Last year was a very prolific year in terms of the collaborations with research and development institutes, universities, and technical schools. And all the interesting research projects that are currently ongoing will translate into potential new opportunities in the next 5 to 10 years.
An example of this technical cooperations is the following project from our Openstuder platform, which consist of implementing the Modbus communication between a Siemens PLC and our Xcom 485i, integrating the communication in the Siemens Human Machine Interface HMI.

Professional services
We develop and manufacture high-end power electronics. High-end devices are not only about the product itself, but the complete service that is encapsulated with the product.
We continue working on our Studer professional services rang with the aim of allowing our professional clients to do business with our high-end products and also with the high-end services that are associated with the product.